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350 Salem OR
350 Salem Oregon evolved from a loose network of activists who have participated in 350.org and other climate change related events here in Salem, Oregon. Protecting the stability of our climate and a...more > -
350 San Francisco
We are grassroots San Francisco activists working, in collaboration with other 350 and local groups, to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Join us in working on local clean energy, fossil fuel resi...more > -
350 Sandpoint
We are a group of concerned citizens living in and around Sandpoint, Idaho, next to beautiful Lake Pend Oreille. We are organizing specifically to do all we can to slow down global warming, and the re...more > -
350 Santa Barbara
350 Santa Barbara is a local chapter of 350.org. We seek to: -Bring a greater sense of urgency about climate change to Santa Barbara County and mobilize people toward solutions -Build the political wi...more > -
350 Seattle
350 Seattle is resisting the power of the fossil fuel industry and promoting a just transition to a clean energy economy. Check out our website to read about our campaigns and get involved. We’re a gr...more > -
350 Silicon Valley
350 Silicon Valley is a local grassroots effort working to solve the climate crisis as part of 350.org a global grassroots climate movement. 350 Silicon Valley includes people from all backgrounds and...more > -
350 Sonoma
Our mission is to engage and inspire local residents to participate in the global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis....more > -
350 Spokane
350 Spokane is building a passionate grassroots movement for climate justice. We believe that climate change is a problem so overwhelming that only people power can begin to solve it. Using tools rang...more > -
350 SW Idaho
Empowering and activating Southwest Idaho to organize and educate through creating grassroots awareness that advocates for real and actionable practices to not only reduce our carbon footprint, but al...more > -
350 Tacoma
350 Tacoma works for a carbon-free future by challenging fossil fuels, standing with our indigenous allies and local workers, and advocating for a just transition to a green economy. Check out our web...more > -
350 Triangle
We are climate activists passionate about protecting the Earth!...more > -
350 Tucson
Working with the Tucson Climate Action Network (TUCAN), we are engaged in a series of escalating actions to bring public awareness to Tucson's dependence on dirty coal. When there is a 350 specific ev...more > -
350 Vancouver
350_Vancouver is an ever growing group of committed citizens who work to advance the understanding that the solution to climate change lies in our society making the transition from fossil fuel energy...more > -
350 Vermont
350Vermont organizes, educates, and supports people in Vermont to work together for climate justice – resisting fossil fuels, building momentum for alternatives, and transforming our communities towar...more > -
350 Vermont
350Vermont organizes, educates, and supports people in Vermont to work together for climate justice ' resisting fossil fuels, building momentum for alternatives, and transforming our communities towar...more > -
350 Wenatchee
350 Wenatchee is organizing people to take direct action to address climate change...more > -
350Kishwaukee, located in the Kishwaukee River Watershed, exists to allow everyone to participate in the global climate change movement. 350Kishwaukee, located in the Kishwaukee River Watershed in Ill...more >
7484 results (page 6 of 375)