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Karam Foundation
Led by Syrians for Syrians, Karam Foundation supports young people and families on their individual pathways towards leadership. Today, we bring education, opportunity, and hope to thousands of disp...more > -
LA Voice is a multi-racial, multi-faith community organization that awakens people to their own power, training them to speak, act, and work together to transform our County into one that reflects the...more > -
Lawyers for Good Government
L4GG harness the volunteer energies and talents of tens of thousands of lawyers distributed throughout the country who are ready, willing, and able to coordinate and mobilize quickly in defense of dem...more > -
Make the Road NY
Make the Road New York builds the power of immigrant and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice....more > -
Millennial Politics
Millennial Politics is an independent digital media company shining a spotlight on progressive candidates, causes, and organizations. We believe Donald Trump and the modern-day GOP pose an existentia...more > -
Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance
MIRA advocates, educates and organizes immigrant and allied communities to spread awareness of immigrant issues in housing, education, healthcare and the workplace....more > -
Mutual Aid Network LA
Mutual Aid Network LA is a grassroots community initiative organizing and distributing supplies, services, and resources to the LA community....more > -
Nancy S. Lyons
I send information and actions of interest to progressives....more > -
National Hispanic Leadership Agenda
The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA) was established in 1991 as a nonpartisan association of major Hispanic national organizations and distinguished Hispanic leaders from all over the nation...more > -
National Latino Congreso/William C. Velasquez Institute
The William C. Velasquez Institute (WCVI) is a tax-exempt, non-profit, non-partisan public policy analysis organization chartered in 1985. The purpose of WCVI is to: conduct research aimed at improvin...more > -
Organize Your #MutualAid Group: NeighborSquad offers social networking tools to organize with your neighbors or friends wherever they live. “Facebook-like” features enable small groups to collaborate ...more > -
New York Immigration Coalition
The NYIC is an advocacy group that brings together more than 200 diverse member organizations to advance justice & opportunity for all....more > -
Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition
The NWBCCC unites diverse people and institutions to fight for racial justice and economic democracy through intergenerational organizing to transform the Bronx and beyond....more > -
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project keeps families together, protects people from violence, and takes injustice to court....more > -
NOVA Grassroots
We sponsor a monthly Lobby Day and discussion group at a Senator's district office. Maintain 2 websites of info for Progressives, including a Searchable Directory of Virginia of Virginia Organizations...more >
87 results (page 3 of 5)