Sage TeBeest
Sage TeBeest is the Chair of the Kansas First Congressional District Democrats, Treasurer of Pottawatomie County Democrats, and Secretary of the Kansas Democratic Party Disability Caucus. She grew up in rural southern Oklahoma, but grew roots in Kansas after moving to the Wamego area when her husband was stationed at Fort Riley while serving in the U.S. Army. After acquiring a paralegal certification, life and health licensing, an Associates in Information Technology, and a Bachelor's degree in Web Design and Development she found her true passion in politics and activism. The 2016 primaries were her jumping off point: she worked on the Bernie Sanders campaign, served as caucus captain during the primary and had the absolute honor of being elected as a Sanders delegate to the 2016 DNC in Philadelphia. She was thrilled to share this experience with her husband and son, which are memories that will last a lifetime. The journey to the DNC brought together people that have created lasting friendships of loyal Democrats actively working to carry the party forward. She is proud to call the Big First District her home and honored to serve her fellow Kansans.