ACE - Act, Connect and Engage
Contact: tonyasobol149@gmail.com
WHO ARE WE? Born out of the Women’s March in January, 2017, ACE-Naperville is a progressive, grassroots group based in the western suburbs of Chicago. Our main areas of concern include health, education, and welfare; the environment; human rights; federal and state budgets; and campaigns and candidates. MISSION We hold our local, state, and federal officials and representatives accountable to be our voices in government and to serve us, their constituents, with integrity and transparency. We embrace the principles of human rights, inclusion, nonviolence, compassion, and fairness in all of our interactions with others as we work to promote ethical public policy in our government. We ACT— we march, rally, and protest peacefully with compassion and passion. We CONNECT—we communicate with our local, state, and federal officials to make our voices heard. We ENGAGE — we formed smaller teams to study individual issues and inform the larger group. We often partner with other Progressive groups in Naperville and greater Chicago area to build a louder chorus.
Activity status unknown.