ACLU of Texas
Contact: info@aclutx.org
We defend the civil rights and civil liberties of all people in Texas, by working through the legislature, the courts and in the streets.
We intend this Facebook page to be used as a platform for discussion on civil liberties issues and ACLU's work in Texas and across the nation. In the spirit of Free Speech, we encourage the sometimes lively debate these issues may stir.
However; threatening, abusive, or off-topic posts, as well as spam and posts seeking to use this page to promote other subjects are subject to deletion. In order to preserve a civil dialog for our users, repeat offenders may face banning.
The ACLU of Texas works to protect civil rights for all people throughout the state. In the courts and in the legislature, we fight for criminal justice reforms that treat everyone fairly. We fight for immigrants that have been unconstitutionally detained and discriminated against. We fight for racial equality, LGBTQ equality, and reproductive freedom.