Americans for Refugees & Immigrants
Contact: ari4eqjus@gmail.com
AfRI believes it has a moral responsibility to stand up for justice & equality for refugees and immigrants coming to the Land Of Dreams & Opportunities! We are committed to helping refugees and immigrants understand local laws & policies as well as their rights. We are working to curb domestic violence amongst the immigrant community by educating women of their rights as well as helping them connect with appropriate resources as necessary. We are stern advocates for refugee resettlement in USA. We believe USA was founded by immigrants and should always welcome immigrants. Immigrants have proven to be vital to our country’s socio-economic success. We as a nation thrive on diversity. Follow us on Twitter: @AfRI_Seattle Some coverage by electronic & print media: http://kuow.org/post/will-paris-attack-change-how-we-see-refugees http://www.kirotv.com/news/news/washingtons-governor-welcomes-syrian-immigrants-de/npPS4/ http://www.king5.com/story/news/local/2015/11/16/paris-attacks-could-impact-groups-helping-syrian-refugees/75904144/ http://thedignityvirus.com/2015/09/29/new-human-rights-group-in-seattle-makes-push-for-100000-syrian-refugees-in-the-united-states/ http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/syrian-refugee-advocates-in-seattle-say-new-us-plan-is-good-but-not-enough/ http://www.seattleglobalist.com/2015/09/08/syrian-refugees-resettle-seattle-group-brainstorm/41242