Anti-War Committee
Contact: info@antiwarcommittee.org
An all-volunteer peace group in Minneapolis, we organize against US war and militarism through protests & educational events. The Anti-War Committee (AWC) is an all volunteer group that has been organizing against US wars and occupations since 1998. Our office and some members of our committee’s homes were raided by the FBI on September 24th, 2010. Many members of the AWC were also subpoenaed to testify at a secret grand jury in Chicago which is investigating us for “material support” for foreign terrorist organizations. The AWC has NEVER given money to fund terrorism. In fact we have worked AGAINST U.S. sponsored terrorism across the globe. In total now 23 people throughout the Midwest have been subpoenaed and all have refused to testify. We are risking jail for contempt of court. We continue to organize against U.S. sponsored warfare but are also fighting against political repression and in defense of our organizing. The AWC is now a part of a national movement to defend dissent and works closely with the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. We are particularly being targeted by the Department of “Justice” for our solidarity work with Palestine and Colombia. Ironically, the reason we do this solidarity work is because Palestinian and Colombian activists who work for social justice and who speak out against U.S. policy or against the Israeli or Colombian governments (which are funded and supported by the U.S.) are targeted for oppression. Members of the AWC have seen this first hand. Several of us have gone on human rights delegations to Palestine and have seen how the Israeli government uses collective punishment (home demolitions, bombing of apartment buildings, cutting off food) to pressure Palestinians to stop demanding their own freedom. Many of us have also traveled to Colombia and have met with campesinos (peasants) who have testified to us about massacres committed by government sponsored death squads conducted in order to push them off their land for oil companies or to silence them from protesting U.S. free trade policy. The AWC speaks out about how U.S. tax dollars fund this oppression and we have the right to criticize U.S. foreign policy! The Anti-War Committee opposes wars perpetrated and financed by the United States, and we work to change US policies of imperialism and war. In particular we have done work opposing US military aid and presence in Afghanistan, Iraq, Colombia and Palestine. Our committee began in December 1998 with 13 people who committed civil disobedience to protest the bombing of Iraq. We organize vigils, rallies, marches, educational forums, street theater, and civil disobedience actions to challenge the injustices of U.S. foreign policy. We believe in peace through justice, and we stand in solidarity with oppressed people here and abroad. Because Israel is the top recipient of US military aid (supporting apartheid, last Summer’s horrific bombing campaign against Gaza, and the occupation the Palestinian people have been resisting for 65 years), ending that aid is at the top of our agenda. Please join us! For more information go to antiwarcommittee.org. We meet weekly, on Thursdays at 7pm, in our office at 4200 Cedar Ave S #4, Minneapolis. Join us anytime!