Austin NOW
Contact: austinareanow@gmail.com
The National Organization for Women, Inc. (NOW) is the oldest and largest multi-issue women's rights organization in the United States. NOW's mission is to take ACTION to bring women into full equality in our society NOW! NOW is a true membership organization. Our members decide our priorities and elect our leadership at all levels. When you join Austin NOW, you automatically become a member of Texas State NOW and of the National organization. Regular dues are $40 per year but a sliding scale from $15 up is available. To join Austin NOW, send dues payable to Texas State NOW and your contact information Texas State NOW, Attn: Treasurer, P O Box 271423, Houston, TX 77277-1423. To pay via PayPal, send dues to texasstatenow@gmail.com with a note saying you'd like to join Austin NOW. To pay by regular credit card, email texasstatenow@gmail.com with your contact info and our state treasurer will contact you. You can also locate an Austin NOW officer at a meeting or event and join through them. Our core issues are economic justice, reproductive justice, gender equality/LGBTQIA rights, combatting racism, ending violence against women, and constitutional equality.
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