Bold Iowa
Contact: ed@boldiowa.com
Bold Iowa was established to fight the Dakota Access pipeline and that fight continues in the courts. We oppose expansion of fossil-fuel infrastructure and abuse of eminent domain. We promote renewable energy and work for a bolder, more progressive Iowa. Bold Iowa is solidly grassroots and emphatically non-partisan. We're rural and urban Iowans standing together to defend our land, water, climate and property rights. If you think eminent domain to build pipelines and for other private-gain projects is ok, you probably won't like our agenda. Beyond working against the expansion of fossil-fuel infrastructure, we promote renewable energy because we understand the urgency of addressing the climate crisis NOW! We work to build coalitions, compromise and common ground. But we aren't namby-pamby and won't budge on matters of principle. Hey, we're bold. You can count on us not to back down when Big Oil and Big Government connive to push around farmers, landowners and all who want a healthy state where justice and fairness should be the rule. We use all creative, non-violent tactics at our disposal. We . . . - Educate; - Lobby; - Encourage good people to run for office; - March; - Protest; and - Risk arrest, when necessary. If we sound like a good fit for your passion for justice and change, get involved. We need volunteers, letter writers, financial support, and people to host events and participate in them. So join us, because now more than ever, Iowa needs Bold! Bold Iowa was established in March, 2016 to fight the Dakota Access pipeline. It was originally connected to the national Bold Alliance movement, but now operates as an independent organization. We continue to fight the expansion of fossil-fuel infrastructure and the abuse of eminent domain. We work to promote renewable energy and for a bolder, more progressive vision for Iowa politics.
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