Canton Democratic Club
Contact: cantondemclub@gmail.com
PO Box 871064
Canton, Michigan 48187
The Canton Democratic Club was formed in 2013 to elect democrats, advocate for progressive values, and build progressive leadership. We believe that democracy thrives when informed citizens actively participate in the political process through advocacy, action and discussion. Unfortunately, we now see how fragile our democracy can be. Everyday, it seems as if we are witnessing an assault on the values that we hold dear. Ill-conceived tweets from the White House seek to divide us and threaten our faith in our democratic institutions. There is a systematic dismantling of our healthcare, voting rights, civil rights and economic security. We cannot sit back and do nothing. We must work for change and it begins within our own community. It is a day to day, issue by issue battle which requires us to be united as a party as never before with battles to come including healthcare, taxes, climate and the next Presidential Election in 2020. We are your neighbors, your friends, your school teachers, your union members, and your elected officials. We are 150+ members strong - and growing. Every day we are building a larger, more diverse and inclusive membership. The Democratic Party in Canton is stronger than ever. Join Today! Club Monthly Meetings & Social Event Hour The purpose of the Canton Democratic Club is to promote social and economic justice in the Democratic Party and in our government; to further the philosophy of the Democratic Party.