Cerro Gordo County Democrats
Welcome to the Cerro Gordo County Democrat's Facebook page--the online hub for Democratic activists in the area! Like, follow, and share to become involved in a growing community of passionate citizens and stay informed on regional issues! This page is here for the members and supporters of Cerro Gordo Democrats to keep in touch with our County's Central Committee, as well as leave comments and feedback on what the Dems in Iowa are doing! We encourage feedback and suggestions, as well as things you wants to see from the democratic party here in Cerro Gordo, and by extension, North Iowa! Our goal as the Cerro Gordo County Democratic Central Committee is to promote the progressive ideals of the Democratic party through thoughtful discussion, productive meetings, and intentional community philanthropy. We believe that if we work together as a movement, our goals of peace, prosperity, and equity for all can be attained. Join us!