Greater New Orleans AFL-CIO
Contact: jeanie@gnoaflcio.com
837 North Carrollton Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70119
The Greater New Orleans AFL-CIO is District 1 of the Louisiana AFL-CIO. The Louisiana AFL-CIO is comprised of local unions, Building Trade Councils, Central Labor Councils, and district and statewide organizations which are its affiliates. Together, these bodies represent over 100,000 working men and women across our state.The men and women of organized labor work in many careers. We are teachers and other school employees, electricians, plumbers, and painters. We are fire fighters, police and government employees in all sectors of public service. We are boilermakers, iron workers, sheet metal workers, and railroad employees. We are machinists, steelworkers, and laborers. We are your neighbors, your friends, your relatives, and members of your churches. We are your community and we strive to make it better for all.The leadership of the Louisiana AFL-CIO is elected to serve a four-year term of office by the delegates to the Annual Convention. This leadership is representative of the great diversity of our state and its labor movement. Vacancies in office are filled by the Executive Board and ratified at the next regularly scheduled annual convention.The objectives of this organization shall be to promote, through appropriate activities and programs in the State of Louisiana, the objectives and the principles of the AFL-CIO including the following:(a) To aid workers in securing .... improved wages, hours, and working conditions..(b) To aid ........ unions in extending the benefits of mutual assistance and collective bargaining......to promote the organization of the unorganized into unions....(c) To encourage all workers without regard to race, creed, color or national origin to share in the full benefits of union organization.......(d) To secure legislation preventing the growth of the evils of child labor and the practice of black listing; to unite our efforts for the shorter work week; to secure safe and sanitary conditions...(e) To establish for political purposes a statewide organization to consider all matters pertinent to the endorsement and support of candidates for public office and matters of partisan political nature.
Activity status unknown.