Contact: IndivisibleCRIA@gmail.com
Welcome! Senate Districts 33/34/35 and House Districts 65/66/67/68/69/70 PLEASE READ the Posting Guidelines: These Facebook posts will be approved (1) an event (2) an action item (3) information that is particularly pertinent or unique to local, 1st Congressional District or state government. If you are sharing an article that you think contains critical information, please include an action item and 2-3 bullet points that people can use to carry out the action. The founding principle of the Indivisible Iowa network is that the power of democracy lies in the willingness of ordinary citizens in all 50 senate districts, to be passionately and actively engaged with their representatives at every level. We are fighting for public education, science, living wages, labor unions, affordable healthcare, social and economic justice and equality. Indivisible is a non-partisan group that prioritizes diversity, inclusivity, and intersectionality. Download the Indivisible Guide at https://indivisible.org/ See calendar for events: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=indivisiblecria%40gmail.com&ctz=America/Chicago Donate to Indivisible SD 33/34/35 Here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/indivisiblecra414647478?abt=facebook
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