Indivisible Lawton
indivisible Lawton is an affiliate of Indivisible Oklahoma.
Indivisible Oklahoma is a collaboration of grassroots organizations with a focus on progressive values and activism dedicated to the principles of justice, compassion, equality and honesty in government.
Core Values
1. We believe that freedom of speech and a free press are the foundation of a functional and vibrant democracy.
2. We believe that ensuring healthcare for all is a moral obligation of a good and just society.
3. We believe that high quality and well funded public education facilitates equality, economic security, and is critical to the future of America.
4. We believe that a reasonable path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants is the responsibility of a compassionate and just nation.
5. We are pro-life from the moment life begins through advanced age AND believe that termination of a pregnancy is a deeply personal and often complex medical decision in which the government should not be involved.
6. We believe in the right to a living wage and that corporate welfare widens the gap between the rich and the poor.
7. We believe that every person is equal, and we reject discrimination for any reason.
8. We acknowledge the scientific evidence of man-made climate change and support regulations to protect all aspects of the earth and the atmosphere for current and future generations.
9. We believe privatized prison systems result in over-incarceration and we do not support any system that profits from incarceration.
10. We believe in transparency in government and in holding our elected officials accountable for their actions and inactions.
11. We believe that the separation of church and state ensures religious freedom for all and is key to protecting our democracy.
12. We support the Second Amendment AND believe commonsense gun laws are needed to protect the public.
13. We believe that every person should be treated with dignity and respect.
14. We believe that a compassionate and just society does not tolerate brutality or cruelty to people, or animals.
15. We believe that well educated voters are key to electing more just, compassionate, and honest leaders.
Indivisible Oklahoma has over 50 affiliated Indivisible groups throughout Oklahoma. Search your city or county name and the term 'indivisible' to find the group meeting nearest you. Get involved in person. Create positive change!
Page Rules:
Harsh profanity will be deleted, Incitement to violence or promotion of violence even if hyperbole will not be tolerated. Agitators will be removed. We reserve the right to remove any group member who is opposed to our mission or who consistently creates conflict.
Activity status unknown.