Iowa NOW
Contact: contact@iowanow.org
3635 E 43rd Ct
Des Moines, Iowa 50317
NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence against women, and LGBTQIA rights. Our chapter welcomes new members to help fight for women's rights on the local and national level. Feminism, equality, justice, empowerment, activism Iowa NOW is umbrella under which chapter of the National Organization for Women operates. Our chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence against women, and LGBTQ rights. Look for NOW on the web, Many states have web sites, and FB pages. There are local chapters across the nation. To find NOW, type in the words National organization for women into to any search engine. To bring women into full partnership; economically-politically-socially throughout sociry and the world
Activity status unknown.