Maine Common Good Coalition
Contact: mainecommongoodcoalition@gmail.com
Maine Common Good Coalition stewards a vibrant future for our children, women, communities, wild nature, and the Earth. In Mid & Northern Maine. Maine Common Good Coalition Mission Statement Maine Common Good Coalition is a group of concerned and engaged citizens that believe in the laws of moral, just and sustainable human society. We believe the Earth is a sentient, alive and finite planet, and as socially responsible inhabitants deserves our stewardship and care. Maine Common Good Coalition members seek to protect, innovate and implement environmentally sustainable life promoting practices. We know true change to our American culture will not come from corporations or their purchased politicians. We believe change occurs through grassroots efforts of, for and by the people and healthy balanced governments are formed therein with engaged citizens. We acknowledge human induced Climate Change is upon us and know we must act now for the good of our future generations to change our unsustainable fossil fuel corporate dependent ways. We must create and form a human culture here in the USA that is sustainable, healthful and Earth supporting to survive and thrive. We at Maine Common Good Coalition are actively engaging in heart based activities in our communities in Maine. We are focused primarily in the Northern half of the State to cultivate and grow community service that seeks to better the quality of all life in our state. We at Maine Common Good Coalition progress the Common Good. Join Us!
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