NARAL Pro-Choice Iowa
Contact: iowa@prochoiceamerica.org
NARAL Pro-Choice Iowa is a chapter of NARAL Pro-Choice America. For 45 years, NARAL Pro-Choice America has been fighting to protect reproductive freedom, ensuring that women - and not politicians - make personal, private decisions about their reproductive health. Pro-choice Americans voted for change in 2008, electing a pro-choice president and new pro-choice members of Congress. The results show that Americans want leaders who will work together to reduce unintended pregnancy and end the divisive attacks on a woman's right to choose. Despite these victories, we have a lot of work to undo the dangerous anti-choice policies of the last 8 years. The anti-choice side won't rest, and neither can we. Comments Policy: NARAL Pro-Choice Iowa is committed to keeping our Facebook page a safe space for commentary and free of hate speech. Comments that threaten or condone violence, show extreme disrespect for any person, or exist solely to provoke arguments are considered inappropriate and will be deleted. NARAL Pro-Choice Iowa reserves the right to block any user or delete any comment that violates this code of conduct. NARAL Pro-Choice America uses the political process to guarantee every woman the right to make personal decisions regarding the full range of reproductive choices, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing legal abortion. To achieve that mission, we: Lobby Congress to convince your elected representatives to support your right to choose. Organize women and men to make sure that lawmakers hear from the pro-choice people they represent. Connect what happens in Congress or in the states to how it affects your ability to make private decisions, like choosing legal abortion. Work with our state affiliates to advance ideas that are good for women's freedom. We fight back against the bad ideas that threaten our privacy. Use the political process to elect lawmakers who share our pro-choice values and defeat candidates who don't.
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