New Yorkers for Better Libraries PAC
Contact: jhammond85@netscape.net
PO Box 795
Canton, NY 13617
The New Yorkers for Better Libraries Political Action Committee was established in 2003 by library leaders who believe that there is a need to supplement the library community's advocacy efforts with campaign contributions and other activities directed toward those in Albany who can really help libraries.The mission of NYLIBS‐PAC is to provide campaign contribuƟons to legislators who are in a posiƟon to effecƟvely champion libraries.NYLIBS‐PAC's mission does not include conducƟng advocacy campaigns, endorsing individual candidates, employing lobbyists, or prioriƟzing among library bills. NYLIBS‐PAC is not affiliated with any other organizaƟons and maintains cordial and beneficial relaƟons with all segments of the library community in New York State.
Activity status unknown.