Contact: contact@starpac.org
PO Box 41891
Des Moines, IA 50311
STAR PAC seeks to wage peace" by taking action in the political process, especially in Congressional elections and the quadrennial Iowa Presidential Caucuses.STAR PAC raises war and peace issues with candidates, putting candidates on record with forums and questionnaires and at their appearances urge candidates to take strong positions for peace.STAR PAC ultimately endorses candidates and urge Iowans to support them. STAR PAC primarily supports candidates by working to influence public opinion and mobilize voters. STAR PAC often hosts guest speakers on war and peace issues in order to influence opinion and encourage action by Iowans.STAR PAC was founded in 1980 at the peak of Cold War conflict. It advocates on a wide range of foreign and military policy issues perhaps summarized in the conviction, "War is not the answer.
Activity status unknown.