Women March in Seneca Falls2018
Contact: mcarnice@roadrunner.com
Women March in Seneca Falls2018 Women March in Seneca Falls is hosting an opportunity to gather in solidarity on January 20, 2018, 10am, at Women's Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, birthplace of women's rights in America. We will be marching again at our Women March in Seneca Falls 2019 March and Rally. Visit our event page https://www.facebook.com/events/1901226479914678/ Since hosting 10,000 marchers in Seneca Falls on January 21, Women March in Seneca Falls organizers met to determine immediate, short and longer term “calls to action” to fulfill their mission. Spokesperson, Melina Carnicelli, said, “The organizing group meets regularly as a whole and in smaller work teams to carry out our goals, and to support various local and national activist groups. We are committed to continuous vigilance around issues of deep political concern affecting women’s rights and all human rights. Currently, we are engaged in Women’s March on Washington 10Actions/100Days; Sister Giant in DC 2017; 19CAMPAIGN online fundraising; INDIVISIBLE-SENECA FALLS; an ALBANY WATCH of local state electeds; collaborations with Friends of Women’s Rights National Historical Park and National Women’s Hall of Fame; and, candidate and campaign leader recruitment for local, state and national elected offices, particularly for the 2018 and 2020 election cycles. We are relentless in our resolve to resist rollbacks, by our national and local governments, to rights that are hallmark to our American way of life.” Women March in Seneca Falls is an inclusive, non-partisan group dedicated to providing opportunities to publicly demonstrate the strength, power, and courage of women in America. It is committed to protecting and enhancing rights belonging to women through awareness and fund raising, meaningful collaborations, and community education in Seneca Falls, New York, US birthplace of women’s rights, and throughout New York state. Through frequent “calls to action,” Women March in Seneca Falls continually reminds local, state, and national elected and appointed government officials that women’s rights activists are vigilantly carrying on the political activism of their foremothers. “We’ve chosen the path to equality; don’t let them turn us around.” -Geraldine Ferraro- ### Contact: Melina Carnicelli, Spokesperson & Organizer mcarnice@roadrunner.com DONATE $19: https://www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/women-march-in-seneca-falls -2017 https://www.facebook.com/Women-March-in-Seneca-Falls-2017-689489234546231/ https://www.facebook.com/events/1476514605711383/
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