Women4Change Indiana
Contact: women4changeindiana@gmail.com
Women4Change is an inclusive, non-partisan and grassroots organization to promote the health, safety and respect of all Hoosiers. Women4Change is an inclusive, non-partisan and grassroots organization to promote the health, safety and respect of all Hoosiers. 1. Guarantee the dignity and safety of all women, especially in regard to sexual assault, reproductive health, and LGBTQ rights in our state. 2. Mentor and empower women to achieve greater political leadership at local, state and federal levels. 3. Fight all forms of racism and promote civility in political discourse so that all Hoosiers, regardless of gender identity, race, ethnicity or religion feel respected and welcomed in our communities. 4. Fight against gerrymandering to end partisan districting in our state, and support and advocate for voter rights and voter and civics education. Our movement will strive to amplify and collaborate with other organizations to support these basic principles.
Activity status unknown.