Women's March Chicago
Contact: info@womensmarchchicago.org
Marchers will CONNECT to make our voices heard. We will support each other in PROTECT-Ing women’s/humans rights by ACTIVATING in our communities. Women’s March on Chicago brings together women and allies in support of women’s rights including equal rights, equal pay, reproductive justice, affordable healthcare, affordable childcare, racial justice, voting rights, freedom from violence, LGBTQ+ rights, immigrant rights, fair wages, access for persons with disabilities, environmental protections, and other critical areas of focus. On the day of our Marches (Jan 20, 2018 and Jan 21, 2017), and at all marches women and allies participate in, we encourage women to create signs reflecting their specific concerns/demands expressed in a constructive way. THE MARCHERS: WHO WE ARE We are people of different colors, backgrounds, religious faiths, and politics. We support women’s/human rights. We are activists, seasoned and new. We are people of varying economic, educational, and social situations. We are immigrants of all statuses. We are native and indigenous. We are people of diverse sexual and gender identities—LGBTQ, hetero, and other. We are of diverse marital status and age. We have varied physical abilities and limitations. We are survivors of trauma. We are people of diversities more numerous than can be mentioned here, and we stand together to protect each of them. We stand against hate in all forms and against targeting any groups or individuals. For ourselves and others, we express our right to respect and acceptance without bias or persecution. Grassroots Group Formed on FB in Mid November 2016. CONNECT. PROTECT. ACTIVATE. Women’s March on Chicago CONNECTS us as everyday champions of human rights for ourselves/others in our diversity. When we stand together, our strength multiplies and our voices must be heard. Women’s rights are human rights, which together we must PROTECT and further. Through our march, we send a message to our new administration and to the world that we seek to PROTECT our civil liberties and rights. We are here to ACTIVATE. Fairness, justice, and equality require rigorous defense and promotion, and are not yet won. We recognize lack of fairness, justice, and equality are suffered by some much more than others. We recognize the intersectionality of disadvantage and oppression. We need to work until fairness, justice, and equality are reality in all parts of society. With this march, we are committed to continue/begin positive, peaceful ACTION in our lives and communities to move toward this goal, and to support others who do as well.
Activity status unknown.