Women's March Houston
Contact: volunteer@houstonwomensmarch.org
The Women's March of Houston is an independent nonpartisan 501c3 nonprofit that mobilizes and equips women to act for themselves and their communities. Houston Women’s March is an official “sister event” to the national Women’s March on Washington. We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, safety, health, and families - recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country. “WHEN WOMEN DON’T LEAD, WOMEN LOSE.” 11 AM // FREE SPEECH MARCH FROM JAMAIL SKATE PARK BETWEEN ALLEN PARKWAY AND MEMORIAL ON PARK GROUNDS AND PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY (SIDEWALKS, CROSSWALKS) TO CITY HALL START GATHERING 10:30 AM OPTIONAL START FOR FASTER WALKERS: ELEANOR TINSLEY PARK 12 NOON // FREE SPEECH RALLY AT CITY HALL 901 BAGBY STREET START GATHERING 11:45 AM Speaker list to come.
Activity status unknown.