Women's March in San Luis Obispo
Contact: womensmarchslo@gmail.com
Women's March San Luis Obispo is organizing for a positive and just future. On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat womensmarchslo What/When: The Women's March San Luis Obispo, on Jan. 21, 2017, started a Pro-peace, pro-inclusive movement of people who are active in sharing our hopes and dreams for the future with our new administration. Hear our voice! Who: Women's March San Luis Obispo is inclusive of those who support women, LGBTQ, non-conforming, feminist, people of color, people of all documentation statuses, and people of all abilities, as well as others in support of unity and inclusivity. EVERYONE who supports the ideals above is welcome to join the movement: - Women & Girls & Femmes & GNC - Men & Boys - Families - People of Color - Immigrants - LGBTQ Community - People with Disabilities - Climate Change Advocates - ALL religious communities - Anyone else who wants to come out in support! Why: We come together to build and strengthen our relationships and coalitions, and in support of our communities who may be living in fear. We reiterate with our voices and actions that we hold our under-represented siblings in our hearts, and we stand as local allies. What you can do: PLEASE SHARE, we need to spread our voices and actions everywhere! Check back frequently for more information.
Activity status unknown.