Women's right are humans rights

Women's right are humans rights


Hello There! Welcome. I just created this group to help fighting basic human's rights for everyone. I want to oppose Trump hate-agenda in every way. Feel free to share 'real' news, petitions and ways in how we can fight back Trump. Let's support each other in this time of fear with him as a PEOTUS. Most likely the P stands for pervert rather than President. #heisnotmypresident #lockhimup #trumptraitor Share the page, share ideas, links, events, news, anything that we can use to defend our rights. Any gender, race, religion, political party is welcome as long as you want to resist trump. Join because fighting for human's rights is just the right thing to do. I'm a yogini, a mother of two, a wife in a multicultural family, an immigrant, a minority and an American citizen, who just want her voice to be heard too. I believe together we can do big things. #womansrightsarehumanrights #letsdoittogether

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