York NOW
York PA NOW draws its membership from all over York County. Our mission is to educate ourselves and the community on NOW’s goals and to take action toward achieving those goals. Chapter activities include discussion, book reviews, films and theater that portray strong women, field trips, speakers, tabling, setting up displays, conducting workshops, writing letters and making phone calls on local issues, and marching in parades. Our main activity is our scholarship program, which, to date, has given more than $34,000 to York County women. We look for feminist applicants of all ages who are pursuing post-high school study, especially those who plan to enter a traditionally male-dominated occupation or an occupation that will especially benefit women. Through our activities in the community, both as NOW members and as private citizens, we hope to present a positive image and a role model for what women can be. Most importantly, we are a support group for feminists, a place to come together and make a difference for women in the York area. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Location varies. Call 717-840-9707 for information.
Activity status unknown.