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Unite Cloud
–OUR VISION– #unitecloud seeks to foster an empathetic community that chooses to stand up for one another regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, or socio-economic backgro...more > -
United Federation of Teachers
The UFT is a federation of teachers, nurses and other professionals working in New York City's five boroughs. We firmly believe that teaching is both a calling and a profession. As a trade union, we a...more > -
United Way Worldwide
United Way is engaged in nearly 1,800 communities across more than 40 countries and territories worldwide. We are focused on creating community-based and community-led solutions that strengthen the co...more > -
Utah Association of Public Charter Schools
Our mission is to promote and support quality charter schools in Utah. That means not only helping our schools, but also you as a parent, find the highest quality school for your child.We are the clea...more > -
Vermont National Education Association
The Vermont-National Education Association is a voluntary membership organization of 10,000 Vermont teachers and education support personnel. We welcome everyone who cares about education to our websi...more > -
Virginia Education Association
The VEA's charter mission is 'To create a deep and abiding interest in the cause of education in the State of Virginia; to promote efficiency in classroom teaching and in the administration of schools...more > -
Virginia Grassroot Coalition
The Coalition represents over 40 grassroots groups working in Virginia. Monthly meetings to collectively strategize and support progressive candidates and policies....more > -
Virginia Grassroots Progressive Org Directory
Searchable directory of progressive groups in the state of Virginia (or working in the state of Virginia). Sortable/searchable by issue, Congressional District, city, county, affiliation, etc....more > -
Virginia Prison Justice Network
Since 1981 the Coalition for Justice has sought to bring groups and individuals in the New River Valley of Southwest Virginia together in order to nurture a grassroots movement for positive social cha...more > -
VotePlus10 is a free online platform that gives users simple actions to do in just 10 minutes a month—on the couch or on the go—to make a huge difference in our democracy and have a positive social an...more > -
We The People
The mission of the We The People organization is: To protect, preserve and enhance the unalienable rights, liberties and freedoms of the people. To teach people that under our system of governance al...more > -
Wyoming Education Association
The purpose of the Wyoming Education Association is to promote the cause of public education and improve the quality of teaching and learning.The organization endorsed the following representatives in...more >
112 results (page 6 of 6)