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Women Get It Done
WOMEN GET IT DONE is creating safe spaces for people to connect through community building and leadership trainings. We’re helping shape an intersectional feminist movement to fight for gender equity,...more > -
Women In action for Progress (WIP)
WIP raises awareness on rights of women & all people, healthcare, climate change, jobs, unions, & free education: Pre-K through College. Women In Action for Progress, formerly, Women in Gover...more > -
Women March in Seneca Falls2018
Women March in Seneca Falls2018 Women March in Seneca Falls is hosting an opportunity to gather in solidarity on January 20, 2018, 10am, at Women's Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, bir...more > -
Women of Color for Progress (WCP)
Women of Color for Progress (WCP) is a multi-strategy political organization founded by women of color for women of color. Through a racial equity and intersectional lens, WCP empowers women of color ...more > -
Women of Color Speak Out!
Women of Color Speak Out is a collective of four climate justice, racial justice, gender justice and intersectional movement activists that came together in 2015 in Seattle during the ShellNo campaign...more > -
Women of Michigan Action Network
W.O.M.A.N. is a local progressive action group dedicated to positive change and resistance. We are based in Midland, Michigan and have over 800 members. W.O.M.A.N. formed in response to the election o...more > -
Women of Washoe - WOW
The first all-woman chapter of the Alliance for Retired Americans and the Nevada Alliance for Retired Americans. We meet the 2nd Monday of every month at 6:15 p.m. Watch our page for meeting details. ...more > -
Women Organize Michigan
Progressive women around the state join together to plan our next move, to take stock, make an action plan, and show everyone we will not be intimidated. Women Organize Michigan Summit is a meeting o...more > -
Women Organized to Make Abuse Nonexistent, Inc.
A community-based, multi-service agency, serving survivors of domestic violence in San Francisco and the larger Bay Area....more > -
Women Organized to Respond to Life-threatening Diseases
Improves the lives and health of women, girls, families and communities affected by HIV through peer-based education, wellness services, advocacy, and leadership development. We envision a world where...more > -
Women Organizing Women Democrats (WOW Dems)
Women Organizing Women Democrats is a North Texas-based organization dedicated to advancing Democratic women in politics. WOW Dems is a Political Action Committee whose by laws allow for fundraising ...more > -
Women Rise Up!
As part of Indivisible, we want to demystify congressional advocacy, share updates and resources about what is going on in Congress and how to influence our members in Congress. Additionally, we will,...more > -
Women Rising Up
This page was created by Women Rising Up for our members and allies. WRU is centered in Allegan, MI but includes all surrounding counties in it's local scope. Our group focuses on four core values: H...more > -
Women to the Front
Women To The Front is an NYC-based, intersectional, feminist action group. Its mission is to fundraise for the many hard-working organizations that protect, defend and advocate for the issues we belie...more > -
Women With a Vision New Orleans
The mission of Women With A Vision is to improve the lives of marginalized women, their families, and communities by addressing the social conditions that hinder their health and well-being. We accomp...more > -
Women's Action for New Directions (WAND) and WILL
To educate the public and opinion leaders about the need to reduce violence and militarism, and redirect excessive military spending to unmet human and environmental needs....more > -
Women's Alliance LA
Welcome to Women’s Alliance L.A. We Are: A diverse group of women of all ages, colors, religions and socioeconomic backgrounds Our Vision: Women rising up and standing together, protecting the inal...more > -
Women's Campaign Fund
The Women's Campaign Fund is a national nonpartisan organization dedicated to dramatically increasing the number of women in elected office.The Women's Campaign Fund was the first PAC in the country t...more > -
Women's Centers, Inc. / Women's Building
A women-led community space that advocates self-determination, gender equality and social justice. Since 1971, San Francisco Women’s Centers has represented and been guided by the belief that all wome...more > -
Women's Community Clinic
Mission is to improve the health and well-being of women and girls. We believe preventive, educational care is essential to lifelong health and that all women deserve excellent health care, regardless...more >
7484 results (page 366 of 375)