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350 Montgomery County (MoCo)
We are a group of Montgomery Co. activists working towards solutions to the climate crisis. Let's make MoCo sell off its millions of dollars in oil & coal investments!...more > -
AA County Progressive Maryland
Progressive Maryland fights income inequality and builds power for working families. Through research, public education, and direct political action we strive to improve the lives of working families ...more > -
ACLU of Maryland
The Maryland ACLU works to ensure that all people in the state of Maryland are free to think and speak as they choose and can lead their lives free from discrimination and unwarranted government intru...more > -
Action Not Anger
We have much work to do. We will fight to protect our democracy with action not anger....more > -
AFSCME Maryland (AFSCME 3)
From the beginning, AFSCME Maryland set an aggressive agenda. Recognizing that state laws and political decisions controlled our work lives, AFSCME Maryland members embarked on a mission to develop po...more > -
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 689
We hold it as a sacred principle that trade union men and women, above all others, shall set a good example as good and faithful workers, performing their duties to their employer with honor to themse...more > -
American Nurses Association
The American Nurses Association Political Action Committee was established to promote the improvement of the healthcare system in the United States by raising funds from ANA members and contributing t...more > -
American Veterans
AMVETS MISSION STATEMENT: To enhance and safeguard the entitlements for all American Veterans who have served honor-ably and to improve the quality of life for them, their families, and the communitie...more > -
Anne Arundel County Democratic Women
We are a group committed to improving the lives of women in Anne Arundel County, MD by supporting democratic causes and candidates. If you aspire to elected office, want to help elect women who do, o...more > -
Association of Black Democrats Montgomery County
Membership in the Association of Black Democrats of Montgomery County will offer you the opportunity to be better engaged in your community, the political process; and become actively involved in loca...more > -
Association on American Indian Affairs
The Association on American Indian Affairs is the oldest non-profit serving Indian Country protecting sovereignty, preserving culture and educating youth. The Association was formed in 1922 to change ...more > -
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers
The purpose of the International Union shall be to promote the material, intellectual and general welfare of all workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco, grain milling and kindred industries by ...more > -
Baltimore 350
Baltimore350.org serves as a forum for sharing information on environmental issues at the local, state, and federal level. Our goal is to involve Baltimore area citizens in environmental activism by i...more > -
Baltimore Ceasefire
The mission of CeaseFire Maryland Education Fund is to reduce gun violence in Maryland through education and grassroots advocacy. We believe that education empowers people and that empowered people ca...more > -
Baltimore County Green Party
Official Facebook page of The Baltimore County Green Party. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. By authority of Mandy Watts, Treasurer...more > -
Baltimore NOW
NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence a...more > -
Baltimore Resist Trump Tuesdays
Baltimorians gathering to resist, advance a bold, progressive agenda & hold elected leaders accountable. Formerly known as Resist Trump Tuesdays. Baltimore #ResistTrumpTuesdays is the local incar...more > -
Baltimore Swing Left
We organize canvasses, phone banks, text banks, and postcard drives. Please contact Alexandra Neuhaus-Follini at anf@jhu.edu for more information....more > -
Baltimore Votes
In 2018, the Baltimore Votes coalition took large strides towards delivering on our commitment to equitably supporting the local leaders across the region who can ensure that all eligible voters can p...more > -
Carroll CAN (Community Action Network)
We are a group committed to action in our community and nation that honors diversity, promotes equality, and is inclusive, ethical and just. We are an action network of people in Carroll County, Mar...more >
111 results (page 1 of 6)