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Building a People-Powered Campaign: Grassroots Recruitment and Leadership Development
This training digs in to the process of building your base, identifying strong leaders early on, and creating a maximally powerful volunteer team -- so that your campaign is ready to move forward with a shared sense of purpose in the intensity of a 24-hours news cycle. -
Campus Empowerment Training: Fundraising
This session includes developing a fundraising plan, identifying donor sources and motivations, tactics and making the ask. The trainers are Ben Eckstein and Monique Teal. -
Campus Empowerment Training: Groundswell
The goals of this session include understanding slates and coalitions, choosing your slate, building relationships and making the ask. The trainers are Athena Salman and Monique Teal. -
Campus Empowerment Training: Running and Winning
During this session, we will cover how to prepare for your student government campaign. This includes what to research, how to begin and the process of becoming a viable candidate. The trainers are Matt Cordeiro and Monique Teal. -
Candidate Training
The wealthy have too much control over our lives — because they sit in the halls of power. The Incorruptibles train grassroots groups and candidates in a new model of organizing that leads to progressives winning elections. Join us as we fill all levels of government with unwavering politicians fighting for economic, racial, environmental, and social justice. -
Canvass Training
Learn everything you need to know to knock on doors. -
Canvassing 101
Face-to-face conversations are the most effective way to drive people to the polls on election day. Every door knocked and every conversation is a step toward victory.Training Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
Collect Video Clips for Campaign (NDCO Training)
How to collect videos from supporters for your campaign using FlipGrid. -
Cross-Cutting Messaging in a Tough Political Environment
Learn how to craft a message that engages and convinces. -
Digital Organizing 101
You can help build a social movement with your fingertips. -
Effective Conversations
Face-to-face conversations are the most effective way to drive people to the polls on election day. Watch now tearn how to conduct powerful conversations that drive voters to the polls!Training Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
Fundamentals for Reporting in the Modern Age
This course teaches skills every journalist needs for reporting in the digital age. You will learn a broad range of practical tools that you can use immediately. -
Fundraising Builds the Movement: Launching a Powerhouse Finance Team
Winning campaigns require money and resources -- this session is an overview on building a strong finance program through call time, small dollar donors, events, and more. -
Fundraising Tactics
There are three core tactics used for fundraising. This session goes through preparation, keeping the candidate on the phone, creating call sheets, setting goals, logistics, recruitment, execution and follow up. The trainers are Andy Szekeres and Monique Teal. -
GOTV 101
GOTV stands for Get Out The Vote. GOTV campaigns happen in the last four days leading up to an election and are one of the most important ways to boost voter turnout.Training Elections Policing and Criminal Justice Reform Voter Mobilization Swing Left Academy
Guided Activity: Identity and Intersectionality
2 hour training on intersectionality and identity -
How to Be Real: Allies, Accomplices, & Anti-Oppression
Leverage privelege in a way that builds supportive coalition for those being oppressed.Training Organizing Racial Justice New York Communities for Change (NYCC)
How to Build a Team
Explore how individuals can discover their ability to lead. Learn types of leadership and organizing structures from Marshall Ganz, and build a toolkit based on how individuals across the world have launched their own teams.Training Leadership Development Organizing Resistance School
53 results (page 1 of 3)