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Practicing Sanctuary - A Guide to Radical Welcome & Collective Care
With so many communities facing injustice and violence, we are responding by coming together in solidarity, learning how to boldly intervene as effective allies, and reconnecting to each other, our neighbors, and the world. We believe it's time for not just a policy of sanctuary but a Practice of Sanctuary -- one rooted in love, justice, and the understanding that our liberation is bound. -
Presentation on Allyship - QTPOC Advoacy Talk (2016)
This hour+ long presentation goes into detail on what it means to be a good ally. QTPOC stands for Queer Transperson of Color.Webinar Leadership Development Organizing Women of Color Speak Out!
Progressive Message Guidance
The Progressive Narrative Project has zeroed in on key findings as messaging recommendations for organizers, communicators, and other allies working on 2018 elections. -
Public Narrative
Learn the craft of Public Narrative, a foundational skill for creating and maintaining action-oriented relationships, for developing organizing strategies, for working effectively within teams, and for communicating authentically with voters. -
Race-Class: Our Progressive Narrative
Demonstrates how to build a truly multi-racial progressive coalition that can win a better future for people of all races. -
Rebuilding America's Infrastructure Conversation Guide
This conversation is an invitation to look closely at public works and talk about the real value we receive . . . or don’t. -
Recruitment - All the Secrets Edition!
Giving others the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than themselves and building lasting teams of volunteers is the cornerstone of what we do as organizers. Watch now to learn all the secrets to make you the best recruiter out there!Training Organizing Volunteer Recruitment Swing Left Academy
Reflective Democracy and Organizer Math: Build Your Voter Targeting Plan
In this session we'll dig in to the nitty gritty components of refining and adjusting your pathway to victory -- from win numbers, to persuadable and base universes of voters, to the tips and tools for electorate-expansion. -
Relationship Building
Learn how to have an effective one-on-one conversation for an issue-based or electoral campaign. -
Relationships First Conversation Guide
How we treat each other is the difference between a great place to live and a bad place to live. We shape our world through relationships. Most people agree we want communities where all people have dignity and respect. Yet respectful interactions are often not what we see modeled in the media and in politics. And far too many people feel disrespected in their lives. What is our role in these dynamics? -
Relationships Over Politics: Connecting with Family and Friends
It can be challenging to have difficult conversations with family and close friends because family are more likely to break ‘host and guest’ social norms. The emotional stakes are higher, conversations are colored by long, deeply personal histories and it can feel easier to ‘take the gloves off’ and fight dirty, unconstrained by the politeness usually offered acquaintances. How might we hold the tension of our differences while working to repair connection and not further deepen division within our circle of family and friends? -
Relationships over Politics: Connecting with Friends and Family Conversation Guide
Is it possible to use Living Room Conversations with our families and close friends? It is ultimately challenging, because family are more likely to break ‘host and guest’ social norms. The emotional stakes are higher, conversations are colored by long, deeply personal histories and it can feel easier to ‘take the gloves off’ and fight dirty, unconstrained by the politeness usually offered acquaintances. How might we hold the tension of our differences while working to repair connection and not further deepen division within our circle of family and friends?
233 results (page 8 of 12)